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Kamisama Hajimemashita Doujinshi Hentai
Rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first.Rock crushes scissors, paper covers rock, and scissors cuts paper. First person gets to decide which they want to do.The winner of the round is the one who managed to get one more point than their opponent during that round. Whoever has the most points after five rounds wins the game! There are many variations of this game though so rules may vary. Two players line up with their forefingers touching each other's middle fingers, then close their eyes. The player on the left will shout 'Go', and the player on the right will respond by moving one finger closer to his or her partner's eyes. All of the players do this back and forth with "Go" being shouted out until they can guess which finger has been touched. On go, both players open their eyes to see if they guessed correctly (if not, both players come back to "Go"). The game continues like this with one player becoming more skilled than another until all of them are able to touch each other's fingers without saying "Go". The winner of the game is the player who managed to touch their opponent's fingers first.
There are various ways to play, but the most common way is as follows: The participants form a circle and choose one player to be it. Everyone then moves around the circle until they are tapped by "it" (who should tap every other person). Upon being touched, each player points at another person and calls their name and taps them, and so forth. The last person tapped becomes "it" again and the game begins anew. If someone taps an already-tapped player or calls a name that does not belong to anyone else in the group, that player becomes "it".
The player who is it calls out "Tag!" to any player except "it" while tapping the back of their shoulder, and the tapped player must then run away or try to get out of sight. Once this is done, "it" chases after them, trying to catch the other player. If they catch them, they are tapped on the shoulders and become it themselves. If they are not caught however, then that person has escaped being caught by "it", who then becomes it themselves. This game has different variations played in different parts of Japan.
This game can be played anywhere there are trees or long fences (at school for instance). One player stands on the other's back while both jump onto a fence or a tree branch. If you pass the gate, you win. It is easy to lose the game though if the gate is high enough but not high enough to get over it.
This game is played at many parks in Japan, especially on school campuses during recess times. Two teams of two players each form teams and take turns being "it". The goal is to hook your hands around one of your opponents' wrists while they are jumping on a trampoline and hold on while they fall down, thus eliminating them from the game. This can be done either by grabbing their ankles or grabbing their wrists.
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